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Stress Relief through Storytelling
A new study by the American Psychological Association shows that 20- and 30somethings are the most stressed generation in America. Here's how the church can help them cope.
Amy Simpson
To Moms of One or Two Children
I know you are maxed out—in every way. But, there is hope, and it does get easier.
Sarah Short
Marriage Is Like Ice Cream
When two people come together, they form something entirely new
Stephanie Rische
When Your Kids Go Back to School
Whether you're whistling Dixie or singing the blues, moms need help transitioning from summer too.
Margot Starbuck
What Service Is
Serving the Lord is often full of twists, turns, and turbulence
Carolyn Custis James
Feeling Left Out In Bed
Why it's important to verbalize your needs, feelings, and desires
Melissa McBurney
Believe God Can Do Anything
Third Day frontman Mac Powell is passionate about faith, family, and 'doing what's in your heart to do'
Interview by Allison J. Althoff
Is Masturbation a Sin?
Expert answers to help you navigate bedroom challenges
Louis McBurney
Understanding the Bible
God's Word has a lot to say to you—are you listening?
Courtney Reissig
Are You Unexpectedly Pregnant?
Find courage in knowing this didn't take God by surprise
JoHannah Reardon
Did God Really Call Me?
Dr. Michelle Loyd-Paige on "protecting your anointing" when God calls you to places where there aren't many female role models.
Interview by Caryn Rivadeneira
Breaking Down Fences
Blessed are the peacemakers
Ann Voskamp
Where the Money Goes
I ran three Chicago marathons to raise money for clean water. Were the miles worth it?
Marian V. Liautaud
Ruth Bell Graham
Living words from poet, writer, and wife of evangelist Billy Graham
Evangeline Corey Booth
Living words from street evangelist and first female general of the Salvation Army
Corrie Ten Boom
Living words from the Dutch supporter and accomplice of Jews and eventual prisoner under the Nazi regime
Amy Carmichael
Living words from the author and missionary to India
God is With Us in the Trenches
Why it's important to trust and experience God's presence in the midst of life's trials and tribulations
Caryn Rivadeneira
The Test of Marriage
Turns out marriage and kayaking the Na Pali Coast have a lot in common
Jessie and Stephanie Florea
Raising Good Citizens
Practical ideas for teaching your kids to appreciate and participate in their country
Tammy Darling
Experiencing the Transforming Power of the Holy Spirit
Life change is possible with immersion in the Word of God
Priscilla Shirer
Christian Conservationalist
The earth is not our home, but that doesn't mean we aren't called to preserve it
Nancy Ortberg
Praying Significant Prayers
How to cultivate a meaningful conversation with the Lord
Nancy Guthrie
How You Love
How can I figure out what God wants me to do with my life?
Nancy Ortberg
How we can love our own identities.
Dr. Linda Mintle
What Is Easter About?
The world didn't stop and wait for Jesus to sacrificially redeem humanity
Amy Simpson
Facing Failure
You may be surprised at what you find!
Verla Wallace
The Secret to Joy
It isn't just about acquiring the right attitude.
Carole Mayhall
Public Enemy #1
The insidious thing that steals your joy and health—and what you can do to take back control.
Brenda Jank
How Dads Can Bond
Simple ways dads can connect with a new little life
Greg Asimakoupoulos
God's Talking to You
Can you hear him?
Virelle Kidder
Finding God in Iraq
How he's mending and moving in this war-torn nation
Carol Pipes
Donald Miller on Life as a Solo Son
The best-selling author of Blue Like Jazz reckons with his fatherless childhood—and offers hope for single moms and their sons
Lisa Ann Cockrel
Navigating Parenthood
Your influence may determine your child's future
Dave Stone
1 John 2:17
Finding purpose in the mundane
1 Peter 3:9
Learning to pay back insults with blessing
1 Timothy 2:2
A reminder to pray for all who are in authority so that we might live peaceably.
Anne Graham Lotz
Ephesians 2:4-5
No matter the weight of our sins, Christ's sacrificial love redeems us all.
Galatians 5:25
Become a purpose-filled woman by following the Spirit’s leading in every part of your life.
Jane Johnson Struck
Galatians 4:6
A call for father figures to take an active role in church life
Isaiah 9:6
An announcement proclaiming the arrival of the Savior
Isaiah 33
The Lord is our strength and salvation.
Isaiah 55:9
Learning to listen to God
James 5:16
Confess. Pray. Experience God's Power.
John 7:38
What's the difference between living water and H2O?
John 15:9
Abide in God's love.
John 15:13
The heart-wrenching reality of sacrificial love
John 16:33
In this life we will have trouble, but Christ has overcome the world
Matthew 11:28
Learning to rest in the Lord
Proverbs 1:8-9
The Biblical mandate to respect parents' wishes
Proverbs 3:12
The LORD corrects those he loves
Proverbs 10:19
Lessons from a chatterbox: be sensible and keep your mouth shut.
Psalm 25:4-5
Place your hope in the Lord
Psalm 91:2
Even in marriage's winters, God is my refuge and strength
Psalm 127:3
Raising children who care
Revelation 21:5
The key to happiness is to hope for heaven
Romans 8:38
Nothing can ever separate me from the love of Christ
Romans 12:12
In God we trust: ways to face the future with confidence
Romans 15:5-6
An inspirational verse on unity from the book of Romans
How Not to Put God First
There may be a better way
Kasey Van Norman
Is There a 'Generational Curse' for Sin?
Christ offers us a new inheritance
Beth Moore
The Power of Prayer
There isn't a magic formula
Stormie Omartian
Lessons in Singleness
God has a plan for every single woman in the world.
Colleen Alden
Busting the Myths About Christian Marriage
One couple thought being Christians would save them from marital problems. Their naïve beliefs made everything worse.
Judy Bodmer
Intercede, Pray, Love
Pray like you mean it
Michele Cushatt
Friendships in the Church
4 ways to foster spiritual friendships.
Sally Miller, Cheri Mueller
Face-to-Face Relationships
6 small-town secrets that lead to authentic relationships
Jenni Roney
God's Marriage Counseling
Our marriage thrives on the right advice
Sherry Van Zante
What Happens in Vegas
Modern-day abolitionist Lisa Thompson talks about the disturbing impact of our hypersexualized culture--and what she hopes you'll do about it.
Camerin Courtney
Praying Away Fear
There is only one way to face a world of bombings, shootings, and uncertainty.
Patricia Raybon
How to Cover Your Child in Prayer
It's one of a parent's greatest ministries
Heather Riggleman
Lost at Sea
Depression isn't always easy to comprehend, but we can offer companionship to those adrift on its turbulent waters
Lynne Miller
Bored with Bible Study?
Take your small group to the next level with these keys for deeper spiritual engagement and building real fellowship
Kelli B. Trujillo
Marriages Are Like Snowflakes
Relationships are as unique as the people in them.
By Alexandria Lopez
Jesus Culture: 'Raising Up Revivalists'
Worship leader Kim Walker-Smith is passionate about using her gifts to equip and empower the next generation of church leaders
Allison J. Althoff
What Is Celebration?
Learning to experience deep joy in every moment of our lives
Shauna Niequist
Confessions of the Well-Behaved
I often live as if my calling is to avoid facing my sin.
By Amy Simpson
God's Big Answers
In the face of my son's painful crisis, I realized how diminished my view of God had become.
Peggy Kendall
A Promise Delivered
Parenting is about God and his plans, not about us
Tammy Darling
How God Used the Army to Strengthen My Marriage
Lessons from unlikely places
DeAnna Acker
No Need for Nooners
Why glitz, glamour, and midday romance have nothing to do with my marriage
Helen Coronato
What areas do you struggle with most in marriage?
Which area of parenting do you feel most inadequate in?
What area of your spiritual life would you most like to strengthen?
What area of ministry would you like to see developed more in the church?
What type of Bible study do you most enjoy?
Which spiritual discipline is most difficult for you?
Winning the Worry War
It’s impossible to simply “stop worrying.” Consider these strategies for getting worry under control.
Dr. Linda Mintle
Expecting a "You Complete Me" Kind of Marriage
I wanted my husband to do what I needed God to do.
Alexandra Kuykendall
Balancing Marriage, Ministry, and Motherhood
From Seattle to Sydney, 32-year-old worship leader Annie Garratt talks about leading and living a life of worship.
Interview by Cassie Jolene Schenck
Forgiven to Forgive
Gracia Burnham finds that big redemption comes in small steps
Corrie Cutrer
5 Ways You Can Help Combat Human Trafficking
Ways to join the fight against modern-day slavery
Allison J. Althoff
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March 13, 2025
Live Love
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
The risky call to love like Christ
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