Home Safe Home
Parents worry a lot about the safety of their families, and with good reason: accidents in the home are the leading cause of death among children in the United States.
But with a little common sense and this handy, room-by-room checklist you can create a hazard-free environment for your family and avoid unwelcome surprises.
Feel free to pull this section out and carry it with you to each room in your house. Use it to identify and eliminate potential problems. Then post it as a reminder that prevention is your best defense against accidents.
Position crib away from curtains and window blind cords
Measure the space between the bars of the crib rail. They should be no more than 2 3/8 inches apart
Choose a firm mattress that fits the crib frame securely
Keep crib rails in their highest position
Remove bumper pads after your child is 6 months old
Remove mobiles when your baby is old enough to grab them
Position crib mattress at the lowest level to enhance sidebar protection
Store loose clothing, pillows, extra blankets, decorative quilts and large plush toys outside the crib
If your baby is able to climb out of the crib, move the mattress onto the floor or onto a small frame designed to hold a baby mattress
Keep medications, vitamins, diaper pins, ointments and deodorizers out of baby's reach or behind securely latched doors
Use a changing pad with a safety strap and never leave child unattended on the changing table
Make sure your child's pajamas are flame-retardant
Living Room
Replace frayed or worn-out electrical cords
Tie drapery and mini-blind cords out of baby's reach
Make sure all light sockets have light bulbs in them
Check batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors every six months
Guard any heating device (fireplace, wood burning stove) with a protective shield or screen
Remove rubber ends from doorstops
Keep window latches firmly closed and locked
Position furniture in front of electrical outlets
Place protectors on all electrical outlets within baby's reach
Be sure to place cords for lamps, radios and clocks where baby can't reach or pull on them
Cover hard edges and corners of furniture with rubber protectors
Be sure playground equipment is sturdy and free from sharp corners and splinters
Set up swings and climbing equipment at least six feet from fences and walls, and anchor them securely in the ground
Rid yard of poisonous plants
Never leave child unattended near water (including wading pools and large buckets)
Keep fence gates closed and check that all latches work properly
Store cosmetics, perfumes and hair treatments in locked cabinets
Keep medicines and vitamin supplements in childproof containers and in locked cabinets
Secure every toilet lid with a safety latch
Drain bathtub immediately after use
Keep all electrical appliances away from water-filled bathtubs and sinks
Install childproof knob covers, non-skid appliques and soft spout covers in
Set hot water temperature at 120 degrees F
Test water temperature with wrist or a bath thermometer before putting children in the tub
Never leave children unattended in the bathtub
Exchange glass cups and soap dishes for plastic
Equip stairwells with secure handrails
Make sure safety gate is correctly installed and in working order
Tack all carpet securely
Keep hot containers and drinks out of reach
Unplug countertop appliances after use
Install cabinet/drawer latches
Install appliance latches on the refrigerator, dishwasher and trash compactor
Keep dishwasher door closed
Install stove guards and knob covers
Always turn pot handles toward back of stove
Boil/fry foods on back burners
Keep knives and sharp utensils out of reach
Keep toxic substances and all cleaning products out of reach
Make sure highchair's safety belt and tray latch are in working order
Keep charged, easily reached fire extinguishers in places where fires are most likely to occur (kitchen, car, barbecue grill), yet out of reach of children
Store hazardous lawn equipment, barbecue utensils and lighter fluid in a safe place
Shut off barbecue grill energy source when not in use
Safely store garden hoses out of direct sunlight
Store power tools and sharp objects out of reach
Test automatic garage door to ensure the anti-entrapment device is in working order
Debra Evans is a writer and mother of four.
Information from Vicki Lansky and Consumer Guide editors, Complete Pregnancy & Baby Book (Publications International, Ltd., 1991); Robert H. Pantell, James F. Fries, and Donald M. Vickery, Taking Care of Your Child, (Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1993); William and Martha Sears, The Baby Book, (Little Brown and Company, 1993); U.S. Product Safety Commission, Washington, D.C. 20207
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