It’s a regular occurrence for me: I’ll be editing an article for Today’s Christian Woman and, with a humbled grin, I shake my head in self-recognition: I, too, struggle with those same self-centered thoughts. Or a lump comes to my throat and tears spring to my eyes: I, too, feel that pain. Or a laugh of raw joy bursts out: I, too, rejoice in the surprising hope we find in Christ.
I see myself—and I encounter Jesus—within the stories and articles I read here.
Hundreds of thousands of you do too.
Our articles are read by women (and men!) from all over the globe and from many different cultures and ethnicities, generations, life stages, and denominational backgrounds. And yet despite our differences, we all come together around the stories and truths we encounter in TCW. They are stories that invite us in, validate our honest struggles, and point us toward gospel-hope. They are truths that convict us, direct us, and set us right again.
I love this description of Jesus: he is “the author and perfecter” of our faith (Hebrews 12:2, NASB). Our great creator God is penning his big story of redemption, and each of our lives—our own failures, questions, hopes, and joys—are part of that overarching story of the kingdom. From marriage and parenting to work and ministry to friendship and dating, each part of our own stories matters because devotion to Jesus touches every single aspect of our lives.
In this issue of TCW, we’re celebrating some of the best articles from the past few years in a few of those essential areas of women’s lives. We’re highlighting our favorite recent articles on faith, cultural issues, marriage and sex, parenting, church and ministry, and one of our strongest recent interviews.
Here at Christianity Today, we’ve long recognized the need for honest, thoughtful content created for and by Christian women. Over the years we have served that audience in various ways, both in print and online. (In fact, I remember reading my mom’s print issues of Today’s Christian Woman in the ’90s!) It has been a joy and privilege for us to build this engaging community of readers and writers.
In recent years, we at Christianity Today have been producing several different channels of content for women, including Today’s Christian Woman and Her.meneutics. As a ministry, we’ve prayerfully decided to work toward unifying our efforts to serve our women’s audience. For that reason, this “Best of” issue will wrap up the publication of biweekly digital issues of TCW as we work to develop a new, unified vision for women’s content at Christianity Today.
We want to continue to serve you, our readers and subscribers, and in the coming weeks we will be launching a new resource we’re tentatively calling “CT Women,” which will be fully integrated into our flagship brand, Christianity Today. CT Women will build upon the dynamic strengths of TCW and Her.meneutics. If you are a subscriber to Today’s Christian Woman, you will automatically begin receiving Christianity Today this summer and will continue to have access to our archives of rich content here at TodaysChristianWoman.com.
Our hope is that, through your reading of TCW, you’ve been strengthened in your understanding of God’s love for you, you’ve taken taken confidence in his calling on your life, and you’ve embraced your part in his big story as you embody the gospel message to the world. We are grateful for your loyal readership, and we look forward to how we can continue to serve you in the next chapter of our story: CT Women.

Read more articles that highlight writing by Christian women at ChristianityToday.com/Women
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