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Test Your Bible Power

Angel Sightings

When an angel announced Jesus' birth to the shepherds, it wasn't the first time that one of God's messengers appeared on earth ("angel" means "messenger" in Hebrew). Test your knowledge of angelic appearances. Questions are in order of increasing difficulty.

1. God sent Gabriel to Mary to tell her she would have a son. The births of which two men were also announced by angels?

A. Samson

B. Samuel

C. John the Baptist

2. The shepherds in Bethlehem saw a heavenly host, praising God. Who else saw a host of angels?

A. Moses

B. Jacob

C. Joseph

3. Which godly man got into trouble for praying and was rescued by an angel?

A. Daniel

B. Samuel

C. Nehemiah

4. Angels ministered to Jesus in Gethsemane, and in the wilderness. Who else was strengthened by angels in the wilderness?

A. Abraham

B. David

C. Elijah

5. In the Gospels, an angel spoke to Joseph in three dreams, directing his plans. An angel directed this woman twice as well.

A. Hagar

B. Rahab

C. Ruth

6. The angel of God guided the Israelites out of Egypt. Which two New Testament men also received angelic guidance?

A. Nicodemus

B. Philip

C. Paul

D. Timothy


1. A. Samson ; C. John the Baptist (Judg. 13:2-5; Luke 1:11-17). The mothers of both men had been barren and childless, but as the angel told Mary, "nothing is impossible with God." The angel instructed each man to take a lifelong Nazirite vow (see Num. 6:1-8) and gave each a task from the Lord.

2. B. Jacob (Gen. 28:10-19). In a dream Jacob saw angels ascending and descending a stairway that reached to heaven. A host of angels announced the birth of Jesus, who had descended to earth in order for us to reach heaven.

3. A. Daniel (Dan. 6). God honored Daniel, whose daily prayers continued even after a new law made prayer illegal. When Daniel was sentenced to die in the lion's den for praying, "God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions."

4. C. Elijah (1 Kings 19:1-8). After confronting Baal's prophets on Mt. Carmel, Elijah fled into the desert and prayed to die. Twice an angel fed him, strengthening him for the 40-day journey to God's mountain.

5. A. Hagar (Gen. 16:7-12; 21:15-19). After she'd fled from Sarah, Hagar received angelic instructions to "Go back to your mistress and submit to her." Later, when Hagar and her son Ishmael were preparing to die, the angel charged her to "Lift [her son] up and take him by the hand."

6. B. Philip; C. Paul (Acts 8:26; Acts 27:23-24). One angel directed Philip to the Gaza road where he met the Ethiopian eunuch; another instructed Paul during a storm at sea, promising him that he would reach Rome. Peter also had angelic help (Acts 12:7).

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