Have a Heart
With Valentine's Day still fresh in our minds, focus your attention on the Scriptures and see if you can answer these questions about "hearts" in the Bible.
- Who told his scheming mistress "all his heart" and lost his hair (and eyesight) as a result?
- What king's wife "despised him in her heart" because he had danced so merrily in the streets?
- According to Psalms, what sort of person "says in his heart, 'There is no God'"?
- What oppressive Old Testament ruler had his heart repeatedly "hardened" by God?
- What New Testament man was sent by God to "turn the hearts of the fathers to their children"? (Hint: Not Jesus.)
- What handsome (and rebellious) prince stole the hearts of the men of Israel?
- In Genesis, what doting father's heart "fainted" when he learned that his long-lost son was still alive?
- Who told Christians: "in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord"?
- According to Jesus, "where your _______ is, there your heart will be also."
- What prophet foretold a new covenant with God, one written on men's hearts?
Who Said That?
"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." (Hint: Old Testament.)
Which Bible Books Do You Read for Devotions?
- 2% The Old Testament Prophets
- 50% Psalms & Proverbs
- 16% The Gospels
- 21% Anything by Paul
- 1% Revelation
- 4% Other Bible books
- 3% I don't use the Bible for devotions
Source: A non-scientific poll of 300 visitors to www.todays-christian.com.
Clickhere for answers.
J. Stephen Lang is the author of 15 books about the Bible, including the recently published What the Good Book Didn't Say (Citadel Press) and Talking Donkeys & Wheels of Fire: Bible Stories That Are Truly Bizarre! (Warner).
Copyright © 2005 by the author or Christianity Today/Today's Christian magazine.
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