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Have a Heart

With Valentine's Day still fresh in our minds, focus your attention on the Scriptures and see if you can answer these questions about "hearts" in the Bible.

  1. Who told his scheming mistress "all his heart" and lost his hair (and eyesight) as a result?
  2. What king's wife "despised him in her heart" because he had danced so merrily in the streets?
  3. According to Psalms, what sort of person "says in his heart, 'There is no God'"?
  4. What oppressive Old Testament ruler had his heart repeatedly "hardened" by God?
  5. What New Testament man was sent by God to "turn the hearts of the fathers to their children"? (Hint: Not Jesus.)
  6. What handsome (and rebellious) prince stole the hearts of the men of Israel?
  7. In Genesis, what doting father's heart "fainted" when he learned that his long-lost son was still alive?
  8. Who told Christians: "in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord"?
  9. According to Jesus, "where your _______ is, there your heart will be also."
  10. What prophet foretold a new covenant with God, one written on men's hearts?

Who Said That?

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." (Hint: Old Testament.)

Which Bible Books Do You Read for Devotions?

  • 2% The Old Testament Prophets
  • 50% Psalms & Proverbs
  • 16% The Gospels
  • 21% Anything by Paul
  • 1% Revelation
  • 4% Other Bible books
  • 3% I don't use the Bible for devotions

Source: A non-scientific poll of 300 visitors to www.todays-christian.com.

Clickhere for answers.

J. Stephen Lang is the author of 15 books about the Bible, including the recently published What the Good Book Didn't Say (Citadel Press) and Talking Donkeys & Wheels of Fire: Bible Stories That Are Truly Bizarre! (Warner).

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