Don't Miss the Boat
Don't Miss the Boat
For many people, summer involves fun in the sun—and on the water! For some it's canoeing, others love the thrill of white-water rafting; still others prefer a peaceful evening cruise on a lake. Whatever floats your boat, it's exciting to chart a course for summer adventure on the wet stuff. But whether you're a boat aficionado or not, let your mind sail into these questions about biblical boats and ships and other watery craft.
- In the Book of Acts, which apostle survives a shipwreck?
- What king built Israel's first fleet of ships?
- What reluctant prophet tried to flee from "the presence of the Lord" by booking passage on a ship?
- What two disciples were mending their fishing nets by their boat when Jesus called them?
- What infant was put into a basket in the Nile River to avoid a massacre?
- What was Jesus doing when a storm struck the boat carrying him and his disciples?
- Who was the captain of the first water craft mentioned in the Bible?
- A ship named Castor and Pollux is mentioned in what book of the Bible?
- What book in the New Testament compares the power of the human tongue to the rudder of a ship?
- Which disciple got out of a boat and tried to walk toward Jesus on the water?
Bonus Puzzler
- In Genesis, what tribe of Israel is prophesied to "live by the seashore and become a haven for ships"?
- Paul (Acts 27).
- Solomon (1 Kings 9:26).
- Jonah, who found it wasn't so easy getting away from the Lord's presence.
- James and John (Matt. 4:21).
- Moses, of course (Ex. 2:3).
- Sleeping (Luke 8:22-24).
- Noah, of course (Gen. 6-8).
- Acts (28:11). It was one of the ships Paul sailed on. Castor and Pollux were the protector deities of Greek sailors.
- James (3:4).
- Peter (Matt. 14:29).
Bonus Puzzler
- Zebulon (Gen. 49:13).
J. Stephen Lang is the author of 15 books about the Bible, including the recently published What the Good Book Didn't Say (Citadel Press) and Talking Donkeys & Wheels of Fire: Bible Stories That Are Truly Bizarre! (Warner).
Copyright © 2006 by the author or Christianity Today/Today's Christian magazine.
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