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Poetry in Motion

Poetry in Motion

In the Bible, the Book of Psalms is unique—the longest book, also probably the most-read and most-loved, quoted by generations of both Jews and Christians, and even admired by unbelievers for the power of its poetry. In Hebrew the book's original title is Tehillim, "songs of praise," but in fact the Psalms run the gamut of spiritual emotions—praise, doubt, anger, questioning, gratitude, dejection. Martin Luther called Psalms "the Bible in miniature." See how well versed (pun intended) you are in this collection of the world's finest spiritual poetry.

  1. Which Psalm is widely known and loved as the "Shepherd Psalm"?
  2. Which king of Israel is named as the author of seventy-four of the Psalms?
  3. The Hebrew word Hallelujah, found often in the Psalms, is usually translated into English as what?
  4. According to Psalm 14, the fool says in his heart, "There is no ____."
  5. Psalm 90 is attributed to what great man of Israel (referred to in the Psalm as "the man of God")?
  6. The very sad Psalm 42 has a man lamenting that "My ____ have been my food day and night."
  7. Psalm 119, a song in praise of the Old Testament Law, has what distinction?
  8. Where was Jesus when he quoted the despairing opening words of Psalm 22?
  9. Finish this verse from Psalm 17: "Keep me as the ____ of your eye, hide me in the shadow of your wings."
  10. The Psalms that are called Songs of Ascents were sung by the Jews when visiting what location?

Bonus Puzzler

  • Psalm 137, often set to music, takes place in what oppressive foreign locale?

Click here for answers.

J. Stephen Lang is the author of 15 books about the Bible, including the recently published What the Good Book Didn't Say (Citadel Press) and Talking Donkeys & Wheels of Fire: Bible Stories That Are Truly Bizarre! (Warner).

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