Say 'good-bye' to the old you
If you've heard it once, you've heard it three or four times: "We never do anything different. " There's a certain comfort to be found in sameness, but it can also lull your marriage into a state of perpetual monotony. If you've grown tired of doing the same old thing, try a few of these. Remember, a rut-buster a day keeps the boredom away.
- Sit someplace different in church.
- Dance to a romantic song on the radio.
- Take a different route to work.
- Celebrate your anniversary every six months.
- Trade alarm clocks.
- Repair the faucet instead of letting it drip.
- The next time you run an errand, ride your bike.
- Tomorrow morning, when you put on your pants, insert the other leg first.
- Try a new sport.
- Switch your underwear to the sock drawer.
- Pick up the instrument you played in high school.
- Watch Letterman instead of Koppel.
- Back into your driveway.
- Hide the remote.
- Play Uno by candlelight.
- Remember that restaurant you went to once and hated? Give it a second try.
- Come home 20 minutes earlier than expected.
- Have a carpet picnic.
- Eat lunch left-handed.
- Take the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator.
Copyright © 1997 by Christianity Today/Marriage Partnership Magazine.
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