Wellington and Katheryn Boone
Wellington Boone is a pastor, a frequent speaker at Promise Keepers events and the author of Breaking Through (Broadman & Holman). Katheryn is co-author of Promises, Promises (Vision House) and works with her husband in his speaking and seminar ministry. The Boones have been married 23 years and have three children.
We met for the first time when: we were sophomores at an American high school in Germany. Katheryn was the only black cheerleader, and I was the only black player on the basketball team. I knew she was mine.
I was attracted to Katheryn because of: her dimples and her innocence. And she judged me by the content of my character; she could see my potential.
I was attracted to Wellington because: I love men with big hairy legs! Also, he was very kind, attentive and gentle. But it was those legs that got me.
What I appreciate most about Katheryn today is: that no matter what I do or don't do, her love is the same. When I was irresponsible in the early stages of our marriage, she still taught our children to respect me.
What I appreciate most about Wellington today is: that he lives what he preaches. And he keeps working at it to get it right.
We laughed the hardest when: Wellington noticed that I had chewing gum in my eyebrow. We were with our best friends in an ice cream parlor, and they were all just dying. And I'm going, "Don't laugh at me. I'm trying to get this out!" Now all they have to say is "chewing gum," and everybody will just crack up.
The thing that surprises us the most is: that after 23 years of marriage, we still feel like newlyweds. God gave us a resolve that we're going to keep this thing fired up all the way through, and he has helped us do it.
The hardest thing we ever faced: was when I almost died from an E. coli infection. I was out of town and called Katheryn and said, "If you never see me again, I just want to let you know I love you." I later had surgery and spent ten days in intensive care. I was sick for eight weeks and couldn't work, and we had to pay a $27,000 hospital bill.
Our marriage works because: we're not trying to make each other happy; we're trying to make God happy. And we make him happy by treating each other like he treats us.
Copyright © 1997 by Christianity Today/Marriage Partnership Magazine.
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