33 Ways to Love Your Lover
MP readers share secrets for revving up romance
- At the movies, share the armrest.
- Save the last cookie or last piece of cake for your spouse.
- Don't hog all the Jeopardy questions on TV.
—Jim and Candace Walters; El Cajon, California - Squeeze toothpaste on your partner's toothbrush when you're doing your own.
- Get your spouse's pajamas out and lay them on the bed.
—Jodie, Joel and baby Caleb Haberstock; Vernon, British Columbia - Leave a favorite snack on the seat of your spouse's car.
- Compliment your mate in front of friends or family.
- Light a candle in the bedroom.
—Michele Smither; Rochester, Michigan - Put down everything to greet your spouse at the end of the day.
- Fill the gas tank in your mate's car—as a surprise.
- Light candles with dinner.
—Julie Jones and Greg Rohde; St. Louis, Missouri - Make a snack for both of you before bedtime.
- Turn your socks right-side out before throwing them in the hamper.
—Betty Arthurs; Tempe, Arizona - Be adventurous—meet for lunch at an ethnic restaurant you've never tried.
- Choose a novel, then read it out loud to each other in the evenings.
- Rent a movie you watched during your courtship days.
—Donna and Ernie Siefert; Winfield, Illinois - Buy an "I Love You" card and mail it to your spouse at work.
- Make plans to re-create your first date.
- When the dryer buzzes, instead of looking at your mate, volunteer to fold the clothes.
—Wayne Goff; Kansas City, Missouri - When one of you is indoors and the other outside, knock on the window and blow a kiss.
- Don't put away stuff your spouse might want left out.
- When you're finished driving, put the seat back to your mate's preferred position.
—Amanda Brailsford-Urbina and Gerardo Urbina; Dearborn, Michigan - Hold hands instead of holding the remote control.
—Conley J. Mercer; via e-mail - On cold mornings, go ahead and bring in the newspaper.
- Kiss at stoplights.
—Mike and Lesley Steenbergen; Garden Grove, California - Hide love notes around the house where your spouse will find them.
- When you disagree, always acknowledge the possibility that you could be wrong.
- When stopping for gas while traveling, buy a treat for your partner without buying anything for yourself.
—Russell and Cynthia Atherton; via e-mail - Next time you shop for clothes, let your spouse vote on an outfit.
- Get involved in a new ministry together.
—Karen and Bruce Anderson; Spokane, Washington - Shower together and wash your spouse's back.
- When your mate lies down on the couch, get him or her a pillow.
- Get to know your in-laws.
—Rietta Hingston; Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
1999 by the author or Christianity Today/Marriage Partnership magazine. Click here for reprint information on Marriage Partnership.
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