Editor's Note
Recently I read about a survey in which a group of women responded to what they would do with 15 minutes of extra time.
Overwhelmingly they said, "sleep." "Read a book." "Go someplace quiet."
So I did my own very unscientific survey. But when I asked that question, many of the women responded that they'd do more work!
Rest. Just being. With no agenda. No have-tos. No to-do lists screaming for our attention.
God says rest is good. He created us to have a healthy balance—a divine rhythm—between work and rest.
We've got the work part down really well. But rest? Sure, it would be nice to have, but let's get real, who has the time?
But the truth is God calls us to rest. No apologies, no guilt, no excuses.
In this issue of Kyria, we focus on why it's essential—physically, mentally, and spiritually to give yourself a break every single day.
Why only through following Jesus' example to get alone and experience the depth of rest can we truly live lives worthy of the calling we have received.
And then we'll help you figure out how to incorporate those times of reprieve into your daily life.
Rest isn't a quick fix, or a once-in-a-blue-moon luxury, but a way of life. A way that we must diligently follow if we're to be true followers of Jesus. A way that rejuvenates and re-impassions you to be the woman God has called and created you to be.
Read more articles that highlight writing by Christian women at ChristianityToday.com/Women
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