Come, Thou Fount
"Come, Thou Fount of every blessing / Tune my heart to sing Thy grace /
Streams of mercy, never ceasing / Call for songs of loudest praise"
As the author of the historical hymn "Come, Thou Fount" reminds us, God is the fountain of life, the giver of every blessing. He gives food (Psalm 145:15) and provides clothes and shelter (Luke 12:27), family and friends. He grants peace, joy, and love through knowing him (John 1:16).
Yet we often take God's blessings for granted. We may even take credit for earning those blessings. Our hard work put food on the table. Our ingenuity secured a pay raise. Our bargaining skills netted that stylish new suit.
Sometimes we forget that our occupational abilities and creative capacities are also gifts from God. He is the Fount of every blessing. Let us praise our Father as the giver of all good things.
Not only do we frequently attribute God's blessings to our own capabilities, but we often spend more time searching for earthly rewards than seeking spiritual blessings. God's unlimited goodness longs to bestow gifts that will never be devalued by inflation. Riches that will never need paint or polish. Blessings that will never go out of style.
Seek out everlasting blessings from our bighearted God. He promises to provide for all our physical needs as we search for the treasures of his kingdom. Let's set our hearts on God so that we never get "out of tune." May our souls continually be pitched to praise the "Fount of every blessing."
[Q] Read Ephesians 1:3-10 and list all of the spiritual blessings named in this passage.
[Q] Which blessing on the list do you most appreciate, and why? Which blessing do you often take for granted?
Make a Change: Compose a two-verse song thanking God for his blessings. Praise him for earthly gifts in the first verse, and express gratitude for spiritual blessings in the second. Sing or recite it to yourself all week.
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