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Finding My Sweet Spot

What I wanted to be when I grew up

When I was a child, Life magazine featured a victim of the Vietnam War on the cover. When I saw this image and other pictures of people suffering from the ravages of this war, my heart ached. Being Catholic at the time, my impulse told me to become a nun. I intuitively knew that I wanted to serve the spiritual and physical needs of people.

As I grew, I traded my parents' copies of Life for Vogue. I wanted to become a fashion editor. How I knew this at 15 is beyond me. Nonetheless, I wrote the editor of Vogue and boldly asked her how I could get her job one day. She wrote me back, and though I no longer have the letter, I've never forgotten her words: Get a college degree . . . in anything. Be curious and read voraciously.

I took her words to heart. Though I fell out of love with fashion (you'd believe me if you saw my closet), I fell deeply in love with words. I got a college degree, I read as much as I could, and I asked a lot of questions. And this has helped me serve people— though not as a nun.

I believe I've found my sweet spot.

What about you? Have you discovered where your deep gladness meets the world's deepest hunger? Do you know what God is calling you to do? Have you found a vocation that satisfies?

This issue focuses on calling—the unique invitation God gives each of us to use our gifts for the common good. Amy Sherman, author of Kingdom Calling, shares stories of three women who are doing mighty works for the kingdom, all from right where they are. Diane Paddison, founder of 4word, a ministry for Christian professional women, talks about how to balance faith, family, and work—all at the same time. And my colleague Katelyn Beaty looks at how we're living in a unique time when women have unprecedented opportunities to be who God's calling us to be.

So what's God calling you to?

Go live it!

Marian V. Liautaud


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Marian Liautaud

Marian V. Liautaud is director of marketing at Aspen Group. Follow her on Twitter @marianliautaud

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Calling; Career; Passion; Purpose; Role models; Self-Worth; Vocation
Today's Christian Woman, October Week 3, 2013
Posted October 8, 2013

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