It Takes Courage to Raise the Next Generation

At MOPS (that’s Mothers of Preschoolers), we’re talking about courage this year—specifically, the courage it takes to Be You, Bravely in the midst of motherhood, marriage, and life for women who are doing the best they can to raise little people to adulthood. This central theme, and the book we published to bring women into the conversation, Brave Mom: Facing and Overcoming Your Real Mom Fears by MOPS CEO and President, Sherry Surratt, is resonating deeply with moms.
We all knew motherhood wasn’t going to be easy, but we didn’t fully realize just how much courage it takes to raise the next generation until we had a babe in arms to show for our nine months (or adoption or foster care waiting period) of effort. It takes guts to work through the fear that accompanies our little bundles of joy and to emerge victorious beyond the anxiety that can cloud our decision-making and keep us up at night.
While being a mom is an incredible source of joy and fulfillment, it’s also an opportunity for fear and worry to turn you into someone you don’t even recognize. These beautiful little people that bless our homes can cause us to have irrational thoughts and go places in our minds that we didn’t know were even there. So we’re calling an end to the silent worries and secret fearful thoughts. No more sitting alone and feeling like we are the only ones who get carried away on the worry train without so much as a map or a toothbrush. We’re going to face it openly and honestly. And with an honest look, healthy perspective and an arsenal of weapons will come. (Brave Mom)
Brave Mom invites moms into a conversation about the worries that are bogging them down and keeping them from thriving as moms. Through research and conversations with hundreds of moms, we got to the heart of what moms worry about, and the book offers practical solutions, encouragement, and hope for worried moms.
Whether you are an anxious mom yourself, a concerned grandmother, or a women’s ministry leader seeking to better understand and serve mothers of young children, we encourage you to join us for our series entitled Brave Mom—a deeper look at what moms fear and how to overcome the worry that plagues us as moms.
Here are the three beautiful truths of mommyhood—a concept coined by Sherry Surratt in the book Brave Mom.
1. There is no “perfect” to achieve.
God created you—imperfect, uncertain you—to be the mother of your unique children, and you are doing a great job. No mom is perfect—and even the woman who seems to have it all together carries doubt and uncertainty, just like you. The best you can do as a mom really is the very best for your kids.
2. Great moms don’t happen by accident.
Great moms don’t happen by accident, but they do happen by intention. Surrounding yourself with other imperfect mom friends who can encourage you, seeking out excellent parenting resources and mom groups like MOPS International, and finding a seasoned mom mentor to talk to on challenging days are all ways to support your important work as a mom.
3. God’s got your back.
Maybe you grew up believing in a harsh, unforgiving God who is impossible to please. Maybe you didn’t grow up with any knowledge of God at all. As a mom, there is a very important truth for you to know about God: He is crazy in love with you. He made you, and he called it good. He wants you to succeed as a mom!
Zephaniah 3:17 says: “For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”
During our six-week Brave Mom series, we’ll cover:
- What’s Keeping Moms Up at Night
- The Facts Behind Your Fears
- When Worry Goes Bad
- Where Is God When Your Fears Come True?
- Taking Action: The Brave 7-Day Challenge
MOPS has offered moms a place to find friends, a break, and hope for the future for more than 40 years. MOPS is for all moms of children age birth through kindergarten and beyond through local groups serving teen moms, military moms, moms of school-aged children, and moms just like you. Find a MOPS group meeting near you at
You can pick up a copy of Brave Mom by Sherry Surratt online or at a bookstore near you, and learn more about MOPS, Mothers of Preschoolers, at
Take courage, mom! And let’s take the next steps on this journey toward brave together.
Click here to read the next article in our Brave Mom series, "What Keeps Moms Up at Night."
Liz Sagaser is a MOPS International representative and mother of two.
Photo courtesy of Monica H. / Flickr
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