I Dare You to Rest
But that’s where you can start: thinking about it. What if you took a few minutes to tally up the things in your life that aren’t working and think about them? The anxiety level. The uncomfortable feelings that come when you postpone a doctor’s visit yet again or can’t find time to take a day off. The mental exhaustion. The nagging feeling of discomfort that accompanies the excuse, I’ll get to it when things slow down.
I admit I don’t have this figured out yet. I don’t even know if I believe in balance. Life has just never tallied out in equal parts for me. I rather think life moves in rhythms that ebb and flow of busy and less-busy. But I know busy needs some saneness, and it’s up to me to decide what that looks like. Not to mention it has big implications for the quality of my leadership.
Seeking Rest
I’m also asking questions. God, why am I staying so busy? Am I running from something you want me to notice? Am I filling my day with distraction because there’s something I don’t want to see?So I’m intentionally seeking rest in my life. I’m spending a few minutes each day being quiet. I’m bringing my busy heart before God and inviting him to speak, and I’m willing myself to listen. I’m not trying to fill the time with busy-talk or desperate pleas; I’m just waiting. I’m giving God the space in my heart to speak, the very space that the busyness in my leadership seems to suck right out of my day.
When I come to God with an open heart and an honest question, he has an answer. He has even bigger dreams than I do for my leadership (though they may not look like what the world deems as noteworthy), and I’ll be a better leader if I pay attention to them.
Brady Boyd shares this challenge in Addicted to Busy: Think about your own life, with its leadership ebbs and flows. What’s not working for you? Jot these down on a piece of paper. Don’t try to solve them, but just give them some think time. What do you think God might want to say?
Photo courtesy Tom Gill / Flickr
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