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November 1996

Whatever Happened to Family Meals?
Whatever Happened to Family Meals?
Here's how to reclaim that time together.
The Truth About Spirituality
Can you tell what's Christian from what's not?
Reconcilable Differences
You can make your marriage last, even when you don't see eye-to-eye.
I Barely Survived the Loss of Our Child
I Barely Survived the Loss of Our Child
I thought it would be like any other holiday—until our infant son died of SIDS.
What I Lost By Gambling
With every trip to the grocery store, I'd purchase thirty dollars worth of lottery tickets.
Where to Go For Help
If you or someone you care about has a problem with gambling, here are some resources to check out:
What I've Learned from Being Shy
What I've Learned from Being Shy
Being introverted isn't a disability (unless you make it one)
How to Tell Your Kids No—Even Though You Did It
Don't let guilt keep you from discussing sensitive issues.
Looking to Ditch Your Birth Control Pills?
Looking to Ditch Your Birth Control Pills?
Check out this contraception alternative
Tis the Season to Be "Mary"
Tis the Season to Be "Mary"
It might be time to put our Martha tendencies aside

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There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
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