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July 2000

Amazing Grace
How Christian recording artist Táta Vega found hope and healing from her painful past
My Labor of Love
What would my preemie son's frailty teach me?
Life in the Fast Lane
How to keep from running yourself ragged
To Nag, or Not to Nag?
That may depend on the situation.
8 Great Dates (for $10 or less)
8 Great Dates (for $10 or less)
Investing in your marriage doesn't have to break the bank!
Overcoming Anorexia
How two courageous women battled an eating disorder—and won
Happy Campers
What you need to know to make sure your child has a great time at camp
growing up: preschool
Ready for School?
Your guide to the ages and stages of development
growing up: early elementary
Kids and Cursing
Your guide to the ages and stages of development
growing up: late elementary
No Fair!
Your guide to the ages and stages of development
growing up: middle school
Why Preteens Need Limits
Your guide to the ages and stages of development
Parent to Parent
The Blessing of Boredom
Ask Dr. Mary
Is She Really Sorry?
Single Parenting
Dare to Be a Friend
Why are we afraid to help other parents in need?
Mom's Journal
Mom vs. Mom
Why do we feel the need to judge each other?
Family Time with God
July: Fruit of the Spirit
The devotionals on these pages are designed to guide you and your family through two months of short, simple times with God and each other.
Family Fun
Star Light, Star Bright
It's summer! Now's a great time to grab the kids and head outside for a little stargazing!
Family Time with God
August: A Generous Gift
The devotionals on these pages are designed to guide you and your family through two months of short, simple times with God and each other.
Loving Your Prodigal
Loving Your Prodigal
What can parents do when a child turns her back on her family and her faith? Author H. Norman Wright offers help.
To Grandmother's Deathtrap We Go
They love your kids. They want to babysit. But what do you do when Grandma and Grandpa let safety rules slide?
Losing Sleep Over Sleepovers?
Losing Sleep Over Sleepovers?
Your child wants to stay with a friend. You're not so sure. Here's how to make the decision that's best for both of you.
Parenting Without Fear
Parenting Without Fear
Get rid of your anxieties and learn to trust God
growing up: baby
Understanding His Cries
Your guide to the ages and stages of development
growing up: toddler
Discipline Basics
Your guide to the ages and stages of development
Biblical Siblings
The Bible records some bitter sibling rivalries, such as the one that led Cain to murder his brother Abel. Other siblings in Scripture were loyal friends. How well do you know these famous brothers and sisters?

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There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
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