Why Do We Say That?
WEEK 1: Good-bye
Get Started: Ask what words or motions we use when someone leaves to go somewhere. Let everyone demonstrate their favorite way of saying good-bye.
Talk It Over: Explain that this month you'll learn how some of the things we say every day tell us something about God. This week, talk about "good-bye." Explain that it comes from the phrase "God be with ye (you)." Why would we say that to someone? Does God go with people? Have someone read Deuteronomy 31:6-8. Ask if anyone has ever felt God's presence with them when they're away from home.
Wrap It Up: Play Alphabet Travels. Say, "I'm going to (a place that starts with A) and I'm packing an (item that starts with A)." Everyone else says together, "God be with you as you go." The next person says the same, stating the place and item that begin with B. Continue down the alphabet (X words can start with "ex-"). For older kids, have them repeat all the items mentioned in order before they add their own. End with a prayer asking God to be with each of you this week.
WEEK 2: Bless You!
You'll Need: Paper, index cards, crayons or markers
Get Started: Discuss sneezes. Do you know anyone who has a loud sneeze? A soft sneeze? A funny sneeze? When someone sneezes, we say "God bless you." Explain that saying "God bless you" is a way to ask God to bring good things to another person.
Talk It Over: Have someone read Numbers 6:24-26. What does "bless" mean here? Talk about other times you might ask for God's blessing, like before a meal or when someone is kind to you. What is it we want God to do when we ask for his blessing? Talk about ways God can use you to bless each other this week.
Wrap It Up: Together write a family blessing, using Numbers 6:24-26 as a guide. Have each person copy it onto an index card to use as a bookmark. Young children can draw pictures of God's blessings on their bookmarks. End with a prayer thanking God for his many blessings.
WEEK 3: Amen
Get Started: Practice saying "yes" in other languages: French = oui, Spanish = si, Russian = da, Greek = nai. Talk about some of the ways people communicate "yes" without speaking.
Talk It Over: Explain that the word amen means "yes," or "let it happen exactly that way." Why do we say "amen" at the end of a prayer or hymn? Have someone read 2 Corinthians 1:20. What does this verse tell us about the word amen? For the rest of the week, encourage everyone to end their prayers by saying "yes" or "Jesus, make it happen."
Wrap It Up: Ask someone to read Psalm 93, 96, 98, or 100, one verse at a time. After each verse, have everyone else respond, "Yes!" or "Let it happen!" or "Truly!" Let this be your closing prayer.
WEEK 4: In Jesus' Name
You'll Need: Some kind of ID (such as a passport, driver's license or school ID), paper, crayons, waxed paper, cotton balls, baby oil
Get Started: Show the ID. Talk about the reasons why a person might need identification to prove they are who they say they are.
Talk It Over: Ask someone to read Esther 4:8?5:3. Why was Esther afraid to go to the king? Ask each person how he or she would feel in Esther's shoes. Explain that before Jesus died and forgave us, we had to stand before God our King with sin in our hearts. But Jesus took away our sin. Ask someone to read Hebrews 10:11-14 and 19-22. What do these passages say about how we are to approach God? How is Jesus like our passport into God's presence? How do our words show that Jesus has given us a clean heart?
Wrap It Up: Look up Isaiah 9:6 to find other names for Jesus. Have each person write one of Jesus' names on the paper using a crayon. Set the paper on top of the waxed paper. Use a cotton ball to rub baby oil over the paper to make "stained glass windows." End your time by thanking Jesus for his forgiveness.
Copyright © 2001 by the author or Christianity Today/Christian Parenting Today Magazine.
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