Family Time with God: February
For Christian parents, integrating faith into family life is a top priority. One of the best ways parents can model a living, active relationship with Christ is to emphasize the importance of the Bible in your family's day-to-day life. You can hide God's Word in your own hearts and the hearts of your children by learning verses as a family and discussing together what those verses mean in your lives. These calendar pages from Awana will help you do just that!
How To Use These Pages:
To help make this a family project, we've divided the verses into three parts. Preschoolers memorize the words printed in bold. Elementary kids memorize the words in bold and italics. Older teens and parents learn the complete verse.
Calendar Highlights
February 7 Laura Ingalls Wilder
If you've ever read the Little House books you know that Laura Ingalls Wilder left behind a heritage of delightful stories teaching millions of children about country life in the late 1800s. But Wilder also left a different kind of heritage.
She is a strong example of a child who loved the Lord. She trusted Christ when she was a little girl and her stories often reflect the essential role faith played in her family.
Wilder also memorized a lot of Bible verses. The book Saving Graces, The Inspirational Writings of Laura Ingalls Wilder (Broadman and Holman) tells of the time she recited 52 Bible verses without any mistakes. Wilder kept her prizea Bible with a special clasp on itfor the rest of her life. Many years later, Wilder called those childhood verses an "invisible harvest." Learning Bible verses as a family is a wonderful way to plant the seeds of such a harvest in your children, too.
What is Awana?
Awana is a nondenominational youth ministry committed to reaching boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and training them to serve him. Each week, more than one million kids in over 110 countries attend Awana clubs where they play games, memorize Bible verses, and learn practical truths from God's Word. From preschool through high school, Awana offers a fun environment in which children and youth hear the life-changing message of the Bible. To learn more about Awana and locate an Awana club near you, visit
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Week #1 Praise God! His love never fails. |
1Read Psalm 33:1-4. |
2 Count how many times you hear the words "love" and "righteousness" in church today. Write the number here ______. |
3 Have each person in the family think of 5 ways God shows his love for us. |
4 Learn Psalm 33:5. |
5 Cut out a large heart from red paper and write Psalm 33:5 on it. Give the heart to a friend for Valentine's Day. |
6 Practice your verse with someone outside of the family. |
7 Today is the birthday of Laura Ingalls Wilder. |
8 Go to the library and choose a Little House book to read as a family. |
Week #2 Praise God! He created the heavens. |
9Pray for your pastor today. |
10Step outside before bedtime and look at the night sky. Thank God for the beauty of the stars. |
11Learn Psalm 33:6. |
12Cut several stars out of tinfoil and hang them over your dining table. Light some candles and have dinner by "starlight." |
13Candy hearts (the kind with messages) were first made in 1866. |
14Make heart-shaped pancakes for breakfast or sprinkle cinnamon hearts in your oatmeal. |
15 Pray for our president and other national leaders. |
Week #3 Praise God! He created the seas. |
16 Get out an atlas and try to find all the seas and oceans in the world. |
17 It's President's Day. Abraham Lincoln was known as "Honest Abe," so do your best to be honest all day. |
18 Learn Psalm 33:7. |
19 This week's verse says God gathered the sea into jars. That's a poetic way of saying that God is so powerful he can contain the oceans. |
20 Put some water in a jar and place it where you can see it as a reminder of God's power. |
21 Say your verse to another family member. |
22 Read about the creation of the seas in Genesis 1:20-23. |
Week #4 Praise God all people! |
23 Tell three people what you learned at church today. |
24 Learn Psalm 33:8 |
25 Pray for people who don't know about God's love. |
26 Count the days until spring. |
27 Say all of this month's verses together as a family. |
28 Sing your favorite praise song as your dinner prayer. |
Copyright © 2003 by the author or Christianity Today/Christian Parenting Today magazine.
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