Family Time with God
How to use this section:The verses are divided into three parts: Preschoolers memorize the words in bold. Elementary kids memorize the words in bold and italics. Teens and parents learn the complete verse.
What Is Awana?
Awana® is a nondenominational youth ministry committed to reaching boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and training them to serve him. Mom and Dad, you can find an Awana program in your area. Over 11,000 churches run clubs in all 50 states. Visit to learn more about Awana and to find a club. Come and see what Awana has to offer your child and family.
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
Week 1: Gratitude |
1Make a May basket. |
2Learn 1 Chronicles 29:13. |
3Thank God for being in your life. |
4Read 1 Chronicles 29:10-14. Repeat verses 13 and 14 in prayer. |
5Take a walk and look for signs of spring. |
6Start project for Mom. |
7Finish your project, clean up your work area, and see how happy Mom is. |
Week 2: Prayer |
8Enjoy a special day with Mom, Grandma, or other favorite woman. |
9Start memorizing Ephesians 1:16. |
10Ask the Lord to help you pray for a family member. Finish with "I want your will to be done, not my own." |
11Read Ephesians 1:15-17 to understand your memory verse in its context. |
12Read Luke 11:2-4, where Jesus teaches his friends how to pray. |
13Have a family movie night. |
14Plant some flowers and thank God for his creation. |
Week 3: Don't Worry, God's in Control |
15Review Ephesians 1:16. |
16Start memorizing Psalm 46:1. |
17Pray with Mom or Dad about something you are struggling with in your studies or with a friend. |
18Read Psalm 46:1-3 to understand your memory verse in its context. |
19Purchase or borrow a game that nobody in the family has played. |
20Have a family game night with your new game. Show how trying something new is fun. |
21Read Matthew 10:29-31, where Jesus assures his friends he'll take care of them. |
Week 4: Hope |
22Review Psalm 46:1 with the entire family. |
23Start memorizing Psalm 71:5. |
24Tell your parents about someone who's mean to you. Pray you'll show Jesus' love so that he or she will come to know Christ. |
25Read Psalm 71:1-5 to understand your memory verse in its context. |
26Send this week's verse to someone in the military. Go to the army's website for addresses. |
27Go to the post office to pick out a special stamp for your card. Then send it. |
28Read 1 Samuel 24:1-7 and 16-22 about a wartime experience in which David does the right thing and gains hope. |
Week 5: God Rejoices Over You! |
29Review 1 Chronicles 29:13, Ephesians 1:16, Psalm 46:1, and Psalm 71:5 from memory. |
30start memorizing Zephaniah 3:17 for next month. |
31Draw or paint a picture that shows either God rejoicing over you with singing or his mightiness. |
Copyright © 2005 by the author or Christianity Today/Christian Parenting Today magazine.Click here for reprint information on Christian Parenting Today.
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