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September 2005

Beth's Passion
Bible study teacher Beth Moore is on fire for God. Here's how you can be, too.
The Gift of Rest
How to embrace the blessings of the Sabbath.
Blessed Are the Piece Makers
The playful atmosphere of this Colorado quilt shop draws people to crafts—and to Christ.
What I Really Want for My 40th Birthday
What I Really Want for My 40th Birthday
It's pretty simple
Going Public
9 ways to help your child survive—and thrive—in the public-school setting.
Flex Appeal
10 reasons to squeeze a little strength training into your life.
My Year with Zelda
Little did I know how much helping my neighbor would help me.
Prayer Pointers
6 ways to squeeze prayer into your busy schedule!
No Apology
No Apology
How do I forgive someone who hasn't said, "I'm sorry"?
Money-Minded Mother-in-Law
She tells me how to spend my money. Help!
Lost in Space
Is my son's fascination with UFOs healthy?
High Hopes for High School
What you need to help your child succeed
Keepin' It Holy
How honoring the Sabbath helps you remember what's really important
Family Time with God
October: Behaving as Children of God
Whose Child Is That?
What to do when you see your worst faults in your child
The Joys of Boys
Every day, Brent and Betty Vander Ark face challenges—and victories—in parenting their four sons and fighting the disease that affects one of them
Weight Watchers
Positively Parenting
How a coach can help you get a first-class family
Family Time with God
August: Animals in the Bible
Taking the Lead
Mock me if you must, but that little boy at the end of my leash is a gift I almost lost
A Wonder-full Job
Motherhood brings with it all kinds of questions and anxiety.Can we ever learn to find rest in God?
Our Daughter's Bewitched
Family Time with God
September: Out with the Old, in with the New
Just a Touch
Going Public
Parents have a lot of thinking to do regarding education. Here's how one family followed God to school.
Creating Refuge
How to provide security for your family in an age of terrorism and war
I Worry Too Much
How can I learn to soothe my anxieties
Set For Life
Connecting with your kids today prepares them for what's ahead
Havin' Cyber Church
Is Christian fellowship via the Internet an acceptable alternative to church services?
Tongue Twisters
What the Scriptures say about our use and abuse of the spoken word.
God Said What?
How can you tell if someone really has heard from God?
Jesus Is Still the Answer
What God revealed to me at the Pope's funeral.
Give 'Em a Break
How congregations can help their pastors stay focused for the long haul.

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There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
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