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July 2008

Why I Became a Vegetarian
Why I Became a Vegetarian
My choice is a matter of health—and faith.
Work the Wait
How I make the most of God's delays
Work the Wait
How I make the most of God's delays
Should Christians Get Tattoos?
I want one, but my Bible study girlfriends insist Scripture prohibits body art.
Parents with a Past
Should I tell my teen daughters about the sins of my youth?
Accidental Advocate
How a television drama changed singer Natalie Grant's life—and motivated her to change countless others worldwide
The Need to Please
How to stop living for others' approval
The Woman at the Well: Thirsty for Truth
The Woman at the Well: Thirsty for Truth
A study of John 4:5-42
China's Growing Church
Now 70 million strong, China's rapidly growing urban church finds ways to work with the Communist government.
Building "Fit" Families
Robb and Ruth Brandt have turned their empty nest into a retreat for mentoring couples.

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March 31, 2025
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
The risky call to love like Christ

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