Who Is This God?

Recently I took a trip through the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. As I drove along two lane highways with a solid wall of rugged, craggy rock on one side and a steep, no-guard-rail drop on the other, I was reminded of how truly small—and fragile!—I am in a car that resembles a Matchbox toy up against an 11,000 foot mountain.
Driving around switchbacks and looking straight down hundreds of feet, I thought of Jesus' comment to his disciples about the size of our faith. When asked why they were unable to drive out a demon, he replied, "Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you" (Matthew 17:20).
Standing at the top of the Rockies I knew my faith wasn't the size of a mustard seed. There was no way I could tell one of those babies to move from its resting place!
And yet the Creator of all things—of those mountains—the great I AM tells us through and because of our relationship with him, we can, in fact, do the impossible.
I'm not really interested in moving Mt. Elbert. But I have figurative mountains in my life that feel like Mt. Elbert—job security, health scares, aging parents, the spiritual landscape of my community. And next to those mountains, sometimes if I'm brutally honest, God seems more like the Matchbox car.
Several years ago I heard a sermon about who God really is that refreshed my perspective. Here's part of it (and check out this powerful video, too, from another pastor):
Who can help solve my problems? I AM
Who is with me when I'm alone? I AM
Who will stand by me when I'm afraid? I AM
Who will fix my anger? I AM
Somebody help me. I AM
What's real anymore? I AM
I'm pouring my life into others. Who's pouring into me? I AM
I'm not sure who's on my side. I AM
Nobody's listening to me. I AM
Who can I trust? I AM
Somebody just hold me. I AM
I AM the way.
I AM the truth.
I AM the life.
I AM the same yesterday.
I AM the same today.
I AM the same forever.
I AM the solution.
I AM the sustainer.
I AM the restorer.
I AM God.
Renewed Faith
Even in slightly grasping the size and power of our Creator, the question becomes, do I trust that he is who he says he is? Do I trust him with my future? With this moment? If I look throughout Scripture and even today and see all that he has accomplished, do I believe that he will work on my behalf? Or do I think I have become the exception?
About a year ago Priscilla Shirer and I were discussing the power of God's Word. She said to me, "If we truly believe God is who he says he is, then we must stop whining and complaining and start asking for—start anticipating—God's supernatural activity."
And so I gather up my mustard seed-sized faith and look at my personal Mt. Elberts and say, "Move. My God is bigger, and he stands with me, and I with him."
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