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February 2013

Tearing Down Attitudes of Entitlement
Tearing Down Attitudes of Entitlement
Kids can learn habits that will help them for the rest of their lives.
Parenting Children with Mental Illness
6 lessons I've learned
Too Fat, Too Thin, or Just Right?
Too Fat, Too Thin, or Just Right?
Discerning a healthy approach to body issues
Don't Say, "We Grew Apart"
In marriage, we are the gardeners, not the plants
Why Your Friend Needs Jesus: Tough Love and Evangelism
Why Your Friend Needs Jesus: Tough Love and Evangelism
In my effort to accept my non-Christian friend, was I being too "quiet" about the gospel?
Stress Relief through Storytelling
A new study by the American Psychological Association shows that 20- and 30somethings are the most stressed generation in America. Here’s how the church can help them cope.
Nothing Is Impossible with God
Even at age 88, missionary Rose Marie Miller still looks to prayer and powerful women in the Bible to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges.
Evangelicals and Catholics: Let's Celebrate Our Similarities
Evangelicals and Catholics: Let's Celebrate Our Similarities
My perspective as a convert to Catholicism
Abiding in Christ at Camp
Rachel Browne plunges toilets, paints buildings, and invites 3,000 attendees per year to a camp in Manchester, Jamaica—all while raising three children, volunteering in her local community, and abiding in Christ.
My Father's Best Marriage Advice
My Father's Best Marriage Advice
It gave our marriage a great start.
Why We Should Pray for the President
With great power comes great responsibility—and an immense need for prayer.
Single Women: You Don't Want What You Think You Want
Sexual chemistry and infatuation can cloud your judgment of your man’s character. Here’s how to avoid disillusioned dating.
Protecting Innocence
We're all responsible to stop child sexual abuse
Cue the Demanding Foot Tap
It's Valentine's Day
Bored with God
Bored with God
Has your relationship with the Almighty grown stale?
I'm Giving Up Makeup for Lent
The exposure just might help me discover a few things about self-worth underneath it all.
Teaching Kids to Take Initiative
Teaching Kids to Take Initiative
Techniques for training them to do it themselves
Marriage Is for Holiness, Not Just Happiness
Marriage Is for Holiness, Not Just Happiness
How our marriage has made us better people
Lessons from a Clothes Shopping Fast
Lessons from a Clothes Shopping Fast
Distinguishing between needs and wants—and why it's important to our souls.

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February 08, 2025
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
The risky call to love like Christ

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