How to Have the Very Best Year Ever
Last year, "worst ever" stories were all the rage. Jen Hatmaker's "Worst End of School Year Mom Ever" blog captured the hearts and minds of hundreds of thousands readers. So much so that she has a reality TV show coming out in 2014. Many bloggers felt compelled to follow Jen's lead and admit their own "worst ever" moments publicly on social media. Blogger Megan Hill grew concerned over this "very worst trend ever" and what all these #fail stories really say about us. Though mostly meant to poke fun at our less-than-stellar life moments, they also signal the state of our brokenness. We're not perfect after all.
But what if 2014 were the year for "best ever"? I'm a sucker for setting New Year resolutions. At the risk of sounding too much like Oprah, what say we banish "worst ever" stories, and instead keep our eye out for "best ever" moments?
For instance, I got a call recently from son number three who lives across the country from us. He announced enthusiastically how he had gotten himself registered for classes at the community college, and would be starting toward a degree this month. I had long since let go of the hope that he'd go to college. His call was a "best ever" moment for me.
Being a resolution setter, I hope to make this my best year for fitness, and I don't mean this in only the physical sense of the word. I'm intentionally establishing practices to help me strike a better work-life balance, all toward a goal of becoming fit spiritually, emotionally, mentally, relationally, and yes, also physically.
To that end, the articles this week by Mindy Caliguire, Jackie Confalone, and Michelle Spadafora are a great way to strengthen my mind and launch me into my best year ever. Frankly, regardless of what this new year holds and whether or not I hit my goals, as long as I stay connected with God, it'll be the best year.
How about you? What's your intention for 2014? Even if you're one who doesn't like to set goals, you can still resolve to make this your best year ever. We hope Today's Christian Woman will be part of how you make that happen.
Happy New Year! Here's to your very best year ever!
Marian V. Liautaud
Follow me @MarianLiautaud and @TCWomancom
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