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September 1999

Tackling Teasing
Tackling Teasing
What to do if your child's either the brunt or the bully
Stand by Your Man
8 winning ways to encourage him
Seeing Green
Don't let envy color your view of life
When a Friend Comes Out
When a Friend Comes Out
She's a lesbian—now what?
The Cancer Club
These women didn't expect to get breast cancer. But each has found unique ways to fight back—and give other women hope and encouragement in their battle.
Why I Let My Kids Go Trick-or-Treating
Why I Let My Kids Go Trick-or-Treating
We'd never celebrated Halloween, and yet . . .
Happy Spiritual Birthday!
Great ways to celebrate your child's growing faith
When Children Grieve
When Children Grieve
Help your kids move from heartache to hope
Driving Yourself Crazy?
Stay SafeĀ—and Sane while You Play Chauffeur
"I Quit!"
You've paid for the lessons, you've bought the equipment: What do you do now?
Kiss Guilt Goodbye
Mary Whelchel, an expert on working moms, helps you be the parent God wants you to be
Your Child Today: Baby
Help Your Baby Learn
Your Child Today: Toddler
Breaking the Biting Habit
Your Child Today: Preschool
Liar, Liar
Your Child Today: Early Elementary
"Why's My Child So Angry?"
Your Child Today: Late Elementary
Put a Stop to Sassiness
Your Child Today: Middle School
Why Your Teen Still Needs Hugs
Family Time with God
September--Family Ties
Family Time with God
October--What's It Worth?
Single Parenting
Walking the Tightrope: I was struggling to balance my career and my kids. Was I ready to add romance, too?
Ask Dr. Mary
A Good Friend's Bad Influence
Mom's Journal
Teach Your Children Well: The surprising things kids learn from our examples
Build Your Bible Power
Not Their Day Job
Spain's Surfing Missionaries
World-class craftsmen find a unique way to spread the Word in Spain.

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March 31, 2025
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
The risky call to love like Christ

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