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March 2003

Back from the Brink
When massive debt and a life-threatening medical crisis hit her uninsured family, financial expert Deborah McNaughton was forced to follow her own professional advice. And in her greatest need, she discovered God's loving provision.
When God Seems Silent
When God Seems Silent
What to do when life is dark and heaven's quiet
Taming Your Temper Tantrums
Do you lose it with your kids? Here are 5 ways to rein in your anger.
Marriage Does Not Determine My Worth
Marriage Does Not Determine My Worth
I'm not less valuable just because I am single.
On the Road Again
Tips to stay connected when your husband travels frequently
Missing Manners
How can I help my son break his bad habits?
Holy Headscratchers
7 tough questions kids ask about faith and life. … and how to answer them
7 Signs of a Strong Children's Ministry
Family Life in the church
"My Daughter's Too Serious"
Q. My 10-year old has a hard time making friends. She is a very serious child who acts mature for her age, even though she's the youngest child in her class. She enjoys being in Girl Scouts, Awana, and many other activities, but she doesn't seem to connect with the other children. They try to get her involved, but she tends to hang back. She doesn't smile and she gets easily frustrated. I really don't know how to help her if she won't help herself.
Getting the Signal
Paying attention to your child's "warning lights"
Growing into Grace
Targeting Truth
Can truth really be relative? Help your kids learn to discover God's absolutes.
Is Your Child Bored with God?
If your young teen is tired of church, here's how to spark her interest again.
Raising Culture-Conscious Kids
Raising Culture-Conscious Kids
How to shore your teenager up for life in our world.
Family Night Fun
Have a blast learning more about God
Family Time with God: March
Daily Bible activities for families
Any Day Holidays
Create a family celebration that's uniquely yours
Family Time with God: April
Daily Bible activities for families
Beyond the Birds and the Bees
Why your kids need to talk to you about sex.
Baking Your Daily Bread
A spiritual lesson from the kitchen
Family Time with God: February
Daily Bible activities for families
What Would Jesus Say?
Christ knew a thing or two about changing hearts with his words. Here's how you can follow his example and help your kids obey.
Kids in Church
Sure they squirm, giggle, talk, and wiggle, but including your children in the worship service is worth the distraction. Here's how to help them stay tuned in.
Bye-Bye Bunny
Send the Easter Bunny packing with a Christ-centered approach to holidays
My Forgiving Valentine
Would my son choose revenge. . . or grace?
I Was a Homeschool Dropout
I thought teaching my kids at home was the best thing for our family. But God had another lesson plan.
Is Suicide Unforgivable?
Is Suicide Unforgivable?
Do Christians who commit suicide go to heaven?
Why Worship God?
What kind of God would require people to worship him?

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March 06, 2025
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
The risky call to love like Christ

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