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May 2003

Singleness: From Agony and Ecstasy
Singleness: From Agony and Ecstasy
Finding balance between extremes
Woman of the Word
Renowned Bible teacher Anne Graham Lotz started holding revivals out of her own desperate need for spiritual renewal. Here's what lies behind her passion to know Christ and make him known.
Tough Love
5 keys to staying married (when you feel like calling it quits)
A Decent Proposal
How to take the high road in a low-rise, skin-is-in society
The Unofficial Motherhood Entrance Exam
The Unofficial Motherhood Entrance Exam
Want to know whether you have what it takes to be a mommy? Find out here!
By the Book
Should a mother's love be measured by the space she fills in her child's scrapbook?
Scared by War
What's the best way to talk about world events?
Flying Lesson
It took a young traveling companion to help me with my baggage
A Recipe for Freedom
A Recipe for Freedom
How the prayers and dreams of an Ohio women's ministry are stirring up hope for the women of Afghanistan
6 Ways to Encourage Military Families
6 Ways to Encourage Military Families
Practical tips for reaching out.
Praying for Mr. Right
Praying for Mr. Right
What is the Christian way to find the partner that God has for me?
Can I Get a Witness?
Is it wrong to seek personal recognition for a good deed?

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March 12, 2025
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
The risky call to love like Christ

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