Family Time with God: May
How to use this section: On this page, you'll find Fun Stuff, monthly activities for your family, and Did You Know, an interesting story to tell your kids. On the pages that follow, you'll learn a new Bible verse a week. The verses are divided into three parts: Preschoolers memorize the words in bold. Elementary kids memorize the words in bold and italics. Teens and parents learn the complete verse.
Fun Stuff
Moms in the Bible Quiz (May 7)
Here are some of the mothers mentioned in the Bible. Can you name their children?
Elizabeth | Luke 1:57-60 |
Hannah | 1 Samuel 2:18-21 |
Jochebed | Exodus 6:20 |
Ruth | Ruth 4:13-17 |
Rachel | Genesis 30:22-24 |
Eve | Genesis 4 |
Rebekah | Genesis 25:20-24 |
Eunice | 2 Timothy 1:5; 3:14-15 |
Sarah | Genesis 17:17-19 |
Bathsheba | 2 Samuel 12:24 |
Creation Diorama (July 21)
You'll need:
- one empty shoebox for each diorama
- glue
- green, brown, yellow, and blue fabric scraps or paint
- small plastic animals or other small toys
Go for a walk and gather small natural objects. Then use the paint or the fabric to create the sky, water, sun, and grass in your shoebox. Use your natural objects to create scenic elements. Finally, add small figures to complete the scene.
Dirt Cake (June 5)
You'll need:
- 1 package instant chocolate pudding
- 2 cups milk
- 1 (12 oz.) container Cool Whip
- crumbled chocolate cookies
- gummy worms and gumdrops (optional)
- small, clean unglazed terra cotta flowerpot
Sterilize pot by heating it in a 350º oven for 2 hours. Mix the pudding with the milk and chill until firm. Combine pudding with whipped topping. If there is a drainage hole in the bottom of the pot, use a whole cookie to cover it up. Put some of the crumbled cookie mixture on the bottom of the pot, then fill the pot with the pudding. Sprinkle the rest of the crumbled cookie mixture over the top of the pudding. Stick a gummy worm or two in the dirt.
Did You KnowJohannes Kepler (July 2)Johannes Kepler lived in Weil der Stadt, Germany, back in the 1500s. He taught math and became the district mathematician. Dr. Kepler is known for discovering that planets move around the sun in an orbit that's an ellipse. He also figured out that planets move faster the closer they are to the sun. Most important, Dr. Kepler loved God. Because he believed that God, an intelligent Designer, created the world, he believed that the design must also be intelligent. That's why he studied the planets. One of Dr. Kepler's favorite verses was Psalm 147:5: "Great is our Lord and mighty in power; His understanding has no limit." |
What Is Awana?
Awana® is a nondenominational youth ministry committed to reaching boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and training them to serve him. To learn more about Awana and locate an Awana club near you, visit
Jesus Lives!
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
1 Play outside. Thank God for trees, grass, flowers, and fresh air! | ||||||
Week 1 Jonah's Thrown OverboardMatthew 12:40: "For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." | ||||||
2At dinner, ask each person to tell what he or she learned at church today. | 3Read Jonah 1. What does it mean to cast lots? | 4Family Forum: Talk about Jonah 1. Can you find Tarshish, Joppa, and Nineveh on a Bible map? | 5 Do your best to obey happily today. | 6 Learn Matthew 12:40. Who is the Son of Man? | 7 Take the "Moms in the Bible" quiz. | 8 Give Mom an early Mother's Day present: Ask how you can help her today! |
Week 2 Jonah PraysJonah 2:9: "But I, with a song of thanksgiving, will sacrifice to you.s What I have vowed I will make good. Salvation comes from the Lord." | ||||||
9 Enjoy a special day with your mom, grandma, or other favorite woman. | 10 Draw a picture of Jonah on the boat using chalk and black construction paper. | 11 Read Jonah 2. Why didn't Jonah obey God? | 12 Learn Jonah 2:9. | 13 Jonah prayed inside the belly of a fish. God can hear our prayers everywhere! | 14 Draw a fish on a paper bag, cut it out, and decorate it with stickers, beads, or anything else you like. | 15Family Fun: Celebrate National Chocolate Chip Day; make chocolate chip cookies. |
Week 3 Jonah PreachesPsalm 86:15:But You, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. | ||||||
16 Give a special person a plate of your chocolate chip cookies. | 17 Read Jonah 3. | 18 Watch a video about Jonah or read about Jonah in a Bible storybook. | 19 Learn Psalm 86:15. | 20 Act out the story of Jonah. Make a "big fish" by putting blankets over a table. | 21Family Forum: What happened when Jonah told the people of Nineveh about God? How did Jonah feel? | 22 Visit an aquarium and see who can find the biggest fish. |
Week 4 Jonah Sits and WatchesJonah 4:2b:"I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity." | ||||||
23 Why are last week's verse and this week's almost the same? | 24 Read Jonah 4. Why did God save Nineveh? | 25 Learn Jonah 4:2. What does "abounding" mean? | 26Family Forum: Talk about ways God shows his love for us. | 27 Review the story of Jonah. What did Jonah learn about hiding from God? | 28 Sing a song about Jonah. If you don't know one, try writing your own. | 29 Pretend you are a newspaper reporter. Write a news report about Jonah's story. |
30 Read your news report to a friend. | 31 Celebrate Memorial Day with your family! |
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