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5 Tips on How to Parent Well
How to guide your children without controlling them
Elizabeth Cody Newenhuyse
Broken Hearts
What romantic heartbreak teaches us about selfless love and serving others
By Amena Brown
An Artistic Celebration of Freedom
How one woman's passion helps end child slavery—one brush stroke at a time
Hannah R. Anderson
10 Reasons to Mentor Youth
Stepping out in faith and mentoring young people is easier and more rewarding than it seems
Anna C. Gheen
The Heart of Screen Time
Helping our children navigate the digital world with healthy habits
Heather Villa
Walking into a New Covenant
How preparations for parenthood have changed our marriage
Ann Swindell
Lectio Divina
: God's Word for Us
What I learned at a local coffee shop on a sacred journey through Scripture
Kim Harms
TCW's New Life-Changing Bible Studies
Sexual temptation, environmental stewardship, and love, compassion, and justice are themes of three brand-new TCW Bible studies
Allison J. Althoff
Unburden Your Heart
Choosing forgiveness means choosing freedom.
Suzanne Eller
Shaped by Faith and Fear at Summer Camp
How preteen adventures and my mom’s hand-written letters helped form my faith and identity
Ashley Gray
I Lost a Third of Myself
And gained a whole lot more.
Anne Miller
A Taste of Heaven
What a summer dinner party taught me about generosity, hospitality, and community.
Amy Jackson
Gaining Global Perspective
Visiting different cultures gives me a fresh glimpse of God's kingdom.
Beatrice Rusu Schoenrock
5 Marriage "Rules" Every Couple Should Break—Sometimes
Some surprising advice from experienced spouses
Karen O'Connor
Ministering to Military Families
5 tangible ways to better serve our troops' families from a former Navy brat and current Army wife
Kate Shellnutt
Wounded Warrior, Wounded Home
Hundreds of thousands of military veterans and their families struggle with PTSD and TBI. Here are some ways to cope on the home front.
Marshele Carter Waddell and Dr. Kelly K. Orr
This Military Wife Life
Five marriage lessons learned through challenging seasons of deployment
Sara Horn
Learning to Grieve—Together
What the church can learn from Jewish mourning traditions
Angie Mabry-Nauta
Making Beds
Loving my wife means serving her—and it's a privilege
Cecil Murphey
This Mother's Day, Make a List of Things You Resent about Your Mother
Oh, and then throw it away.
Ashley Moore
"One Another"
How 12 New Testament verses transformed our marriage
Tammy Darling
The Birds and Bees of Preteen Dating
Kids these days are dating before they hit their teenage years—here are some tips on how to curb the enthusiasm
Nicole O'Dell
Amy Grant: How Mercy Looks from Here
The Queen of Christian Pop opens up about divorce, prayer, inspiration, and the stories behind her first album in a decade
Allison J. Althoff
Marjorie's Stars
How God used my mother's final years to show his love in action
Carolyn Stonehocker
When Your Children Have Mental Illness
Keeping your stressed marriage healthy
Diane Ramirez
Just a Mom?
Motherhood isn't a high-status job, but it is a high calling.
Tammy Darling
Conflict, Bitterness, and Resentment: Overcoming fallout with a friend
Negative thinking blinded me from seeing my friend as she really is
Natalie Lederhouse
Mental Illness and the Church: A Q&A with Amy Simpson
How the church can help debunk myths surrounding schizophrenia
by Amy Simpson
Celebrating Recovery
12-step programs help you overcome more than just chemical addictions—they illuminate the importance of confession and healing in Christian community
Carol Mathews
Praying Away Fear
There is only one way to face a world of bombings, shootings, and uncertainty.
Patricia Raybon
Learn to Love Your Husband—Again
Our marriage changed when God gave me the grace to choose my husband each day
Virelle Kidder
God Cares about the Ooey-Gooey Days
Sometimes mothering is very, very messy
Debbie Jansen
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February 13, 2025
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There Is No "Safe" Jesus
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