TCW's New Life-Changing Bible Studies
In a culture where stress, anxiety, busy schedules, and "do-it-yourself" mentalities run rampant, it's easy to forget studying Scripture in community with others is a crucial component of the Christian faith. That's why Today's Christian Woman has designed a new line of life-changing Bible studies: to give you an opportunity to discuss some of the most challenging questions of life with small groups of co-workers, friends, family, or even acquaintances, with the help of God's Word.
"Go to the Scriptures with an expectant heart that you can and will hear the voice of God speaking clearly to you," Bible teacher Priscilla Shirer says. "Don't approach it as something just to check off the list."
Bible study should be a time of refreshment and renewal, a time of encouragement and challenge, and a time to allow the Holy Spirit to illuminate our hearts. Download "Top Ten Tips for Bible Study Leaders" from the TCW store for free, and explore topics ranging from sexual temptation to environmental stewardship to love, compassion, and justice for only $5.95 each in TCW's online store.
TCW's new line of Bible studies contain deep scriptural insights, discussion questions, action steps, and prayer prompts to equip you to answer the tough questions of life with faith-filled answers surrounding topics relevant to Christian women today.
Worshipping with all you've got
"It's important to stay in community and places where you have accountability and relationships with other women," worship artist Kari Jobe says. "It's easy to isolate yourself because it seems like too much effort, but if relationships begin to feel like they're too much effort, it's time to cut some other things out."
TCW's single-session Bible study, "Worship With All You've Got," will help you deepen your faith as you dig into Scripture, reflect on the truth of God's Word, and take action steps to revitalize your worship.
Learning to be content
In our culture, we have more, but seem to enjoy life less. No matter how hard we work or how much money we accumulate, on the whole, we're not happier. Instead, our society seems to be obsessed with wanting something more, something new, something next. And as Christian women, we're not exempt from this trend. Many of us struggle with discontentment on a daily basis. Why is that? Somewhere along the line we have entertained the notion that we are entitled to more—and thoughts like this just make us more discontent.
What prevents us from being thankful for what we have? And who is ultimately to blame when we are discontent? Explore the single-session Bible study, "Practicing Contentment," to help you deepen your faith as you dig into Scripture, reflect on the truth of God's Word, and take action steps to live out your faith by fostering deep and enduring contentment in your life—especially when it's hard.
Practicing Sabbath rest
"Learning how to rest well has allowed me to run hard," writer Brenda Jank says. "I continue to break a sweat each day, but now I do it with a lot more joy."
Our calendars are full, and we often schedule little time to rest. Learn how to experience the power of rest and how to allow God to do the work for you in this Bible study, "Sabbath Rest." This single-session Bible study will help you deepen your faith as you dig into Scripture, reflect on the truth of God's Word, and take action steps to live out your faith as you learn how to rest in the work of God.
Each of TCW's Bible studies is available for, and we'd love to hear your feedback, comments, concerns, and topic suggestions in the comments section below.
Access all of TCW's new Bible studies in our online store, located at
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