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April 2014

Need a Friend?
How you can step out of shallow relationships and dive into deeper, face-to-face friendships
When Your Spouse Has a Mental Illness
When Your Spouse Has a Mental Illness
Hope for the marriage that’s not what you planned
Sleeping with the Enemy?
Yes, my smartphone is my bedside companion
Real Connection in a Digital World
Can we build deep friendships in a shallow world of online communication?
If I See One More Selfie . . .
Finding freedom from social-media envy
The Importance of God's Word
Don't settle for less than the real thing
Jesus Wept
Jesus Wept
His tears teach me so much about his presence—and his timing—in my life.
Career, Calling, and "Pootling Sideways"
A new approach to work, life, and doing it all
Motherhood, Music, and Ministry
Francesca Battistelli opens up about why she wants God to write his story on her heart.
Apples to Diamonds
When comparisons spoil your marriage
9 Ways to Help Save the Planet
Environmental care is not controversial; it’s Christian.
A Deeply-Planted Faith
A Deeply-Planted Faith
Leah Kostamo believes we’re called to care for and keep God's creation.
Pizza Crust Is Not My Friend
Pizza Crust Is Not My Friend
Quick fixes, prayer, and learning to be still
Easter's Finest
Easter's Finest
When Jesus hijacks your holiday
Discovering Beauty in the Ruins
What I learned from my mom and dad’s divorce
Pride in Disguise
Stubborn? Easily irritated? You may have a pride problem.
Work Is an Honorable Thing
Work Is an Honorable Thing
How my computer time models honorable work for my tinies
Doomed to Divorce?
Did the gloomy statistics about parenting kids with special needs mean our marriage was bound to fail?
The Great Connection
The Great Connection
Helping friends find faith
How to Win the Waiting Game
Learning to wait well
Seeking God's Calling for Your Life
Seeking God's Calling for Your Life
How to hear what he’s saying
Stuck in Indecision?
Stuck in Indecision?
5 tips for confident decision-making
Empowering Women in Agriculture to Help Eradicate Hunger
The surprising power of pineapples
Beyond "Tiger Parenting"
Beyond "Tiger Parenting"
Carving out a distinctly Christian approach to raising our kids
How to Leverage Your Influence
How to Leverage Your Influence
5 scriptural tips for leading from who—and where—you are
Diapering with Her Feet
Diapering with Her Feet
Innovative parenting wisdom from the wise, young Sarah Kovac
God-Honoring Pleasure in a Shades-of-Grey World
Even when it comes to sexual pleasure, God wants the best for us.
Curbing Comparison
Curbing Comparison
How to rid yourself of one of the biggest joy-robbers and dream-shredders in your life
When Your Child Drinks
When Your Child Drinks
How to help your child overcome alcohol abuse
Junkie in the Pew
One woman's struggle with loving God and loving drugs

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