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The Wonder Women of Syria
The Wonder Women of Syria
The story of refugees overcoming the devastating effects of war
3 Reasons to Praise God in the Trials
3 Reasons to Praise God in the Trials
Because God is not disinterested in our pain.
Why Does God Leave His People in Pain?
Why Does God Leave His People in Pain?
It's never without purpose.
The Secret to Finding and Keeping Friends
The Secret to Finding and Keeping Friends
It's actually not that hard
Why Your House Needs Hospitality
Why Your House Needs Hospitality
Learning to let love set the table
How He Longs for You
How He Longs for You
Spend 5 minutes with Jesus today.
Curiosity Is an Act of Worship
Curiosity Is an Act of Worship
Tools to help you live a curious life
Leading Fragile Lives
Leading Fragile Lives
We're all on borrowed time.
Listening for God's Holy Whisper
Listening for God's Holy Whisper
What I learned when I heard the words I didn’t want to hear

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March 23, 2025
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
There Is No "Safe" Jesus
The risky call to love like Christ

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